02/14/2009: Amalgamated Humor's Cost-Cutting Plans
01/04/2008: WRITER'S STRIKE: Strike ends, Gary Returns
11/16/2007: WRITER'S STRIKE: Brodie's Strike Diary
11/09/2007: WRITER'S STRIKE: Negotiations Go South
04/07/2006: Newsletter: Easter Tips, R&D Snafu, No Funeral Time
03/03/2006: Newsletter: Pea-Pod, Water is Good For You
02/03/2006: Newsletter: Groundskeeper Day, Divorce, Chicken Pot Pie
01/06/2006: Newsletter: Adopt-A-Family Thanks, Chinese New Year, Giant Earwigs
06/03/2005: "No, I Was the Man They Called Deep Throat" - Cap'n Shifty Reveals the Truth
08/29/2003" Cap'n Wacky on Hiatus - a Nation Mourns
08/22/2003: Gary Newbrunswick's Blackout Journal
05/23/2003: We Shut Down the Forum
02/14/2003: The Amalgamated Humor Emergency Preparedness Kit
12/27/2002: 2002 in Review
08/23/2002: AH's Statement of Confidence: We Swear Everything's on the Up & Up
08/16/2002: Brodie's Third Anniversary Letter
08/16/2002: RJ's Third Anniversary Letter
05/24/2002" Benevolent Corporation Memorializes the Dead
03/15/2002: Cap'n Dad Goeth
03/08/2002: Cap'n Dad Cometh
12/21/2001: ROBOT KITTIES PART FOUR: The Exciting Conclusion!
12/14/2001: ROBOT KITTIES PART THREE: The Villain Revealed!
12/07/2007: ROBOT KITTIES: Interogating the Disgruntled Employee of the Month
11/30/2001: ROBOT KITTIES PART TWO: The attack continues
11/23/2001: ROBOT KITTIES INTERLUDE: Robot Kitties' first Thanksgiving
11/16/2001: ROBOT KITTIES PART ONE: Under Attack
08/30/2001: "It wasn't supposed to go like this." Web site's 2nd anniversary celebration not so smooth
08/02/2001: Humor Web Site Prepares for Gala 2nd Anniversary
5/11//2001: The Amalgamated Humor Diaries: No 2 (That Didn't Last Long)
05/04/2001: The Amalgamated Humor Diaries: No. 1
04/07/2001: Larry Newbrunswick's Spring Break Diary
08/02/2000: Memo: You're Fired
08/01/2000: Happy Birthday, Boatload of Fun : Site to update Every Weekday in August
11/19/1999: What Can I Do To Help the Cap'n?
08/24/1999: Plant Accident Delays Update of Humor Page, Kills 3
08/01/1999: At Last: Cap'n Wacky Drops Anchor on the "World Wide Web"