OPEN: Girl with an Amalgamated Humor Whoopee Cushion (Use one of the new T-36 models, the boys in R&D have a couple for the shoot). Each time she squeezes it, she counts down and giggles a little, amused by the toy.
GIRL: Ten..(blattt)... nine...(blatt)
CU on the girl
GIRL: Eight..(blattt)... seven...(blatt)... six...(blatt)
Camera moves in closer
GIRL: Five..(blattt)... four...(blatt)... three...(blatt)
ECU on girl's eye
GIRL: Two..(blattt)... one...(blatt)
QUICK CUT to nuclear blast
SFX: Huge explosion
VISUAL: Nuclear firestorm
VO: These are volatile times in which we live. Make sure your children have the very highest quality toys and novelty products money can buy, because there may not be much time left to enjoy them.
VISUAL: Title card
VO: Amalgamated Humor. Let them have some fun, before it's too late.