Reporter September 21, 2000 CHICAGO- Amalgamated Humor mascot candidate Cap'n Shifty made a campaign stop on the set of nationally syndicated talk show host Oprah Winfrey this week. The venerable sailor and challenger to incumbent mascot Cap'n Wacky spent almost then entire hour on Thursday's program, outlining his platform, discussing policy issues and sharing stories about the late Ernest Borgnine. Shifty discussed his reasons for entering the race and the great personal toll it has taken. "I am deeply concerned about the representation of such a fine company as Amalgamated Humor," he told host Oprah Winfrey. "We need a fine upstanding mascot. I'm not doing this for fun. I have a parrot I could be home tending to. Ahr." The host was almost moved to tears when Cap'n Shifty told the story of how he had saved his late friend, actor Ernest Borgnine, from a horrible auto accident some years ago and helped him through months of intensive physical therapy. "Aye, it was just after he'd finished shooting 'Marty,' it was," he told the crowd. "It took time, it took tears, but we got him through it. That's one of my fondest memories of him, that I'll always cherish." When an audience member pointed out that Mr. Borgnine is, in fact, still alive, she was escorted out of the studio. This pivotal appearance could very well have an effect on the outcome of the election, according to experts. "Oh, it was a very decisive move, no doubt," surmises Canfield University Political Science professor Steven Foster. "For instance, if Mondale had been able to go on Oprah and tell a dead Ernest Borgnine story, he would have been our 39th president. I mean, 42nd. No, 40th. Yeah, 40th. Reagan beat him, right?" Both candidates have been busy on the talk show citcuit as of late. In the last month, Cap'n Shifty has paneled on Letterman, Leno, Charlie Rose and even filled in for an ailing Bob Costas for a few events in NBC's coverage of the Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Cap'n Wacky, who has been trailing in the polls since the announcement of Shifty's candidacy, recently made on appearance "The Jerry Springer Show." The studio responded with an ovation to the candidate's call for greater communication. "Okay, now you? You got's to start listenin'. That's your whole issue there. If you ain't listenin', girlfriend, that's a whole nother mess," he said from his seat in the audience. "Uh, also remember to vote for Cap'n Wacky." The segment, entitled "My Lesbian Grandmother Is Sleeping With My Girlfriend," will air in late November.