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Voters respond to the debate
Nameless rabble weigh in

October 3, 2000

Voters across the web found themselves riveted by Tuesday's debate. AH asked several who they think won, and what impressed them the most. Here are a few of the responses.

"I think the one old guy with the white hair and beard, but no mustache... the one dressed like some kind of sailor or fisherman or something? I think he won." - Lisa Samuels, Jacksonville, Florida

Courtesy Amalgamated Humor News Service

"Well, they both talked about the real issues for once, which is good, but did you notice how Cap'n Wacky scratched his nose that one time while he was talking? That bothered me, so I'm voting Shifty." - Jimmy Tinsel, Honolulu, Hawaii

"At first I thought they were just adding Dawn for the cuteness factor, like how TV shows always add some stupid young kid, but now that I've actually watched it, I think Michelle Trachtenberg really fit in well with the cast." - Beth Winter, Sunnydale, California

"I listened to it on the radio, my brother watched it on the TV. Cap'n Wacky pretty much came off as a moron on both, I guess." - Steve Johnson, Rittman, Ohio

"It seems to me like these two guys are pretty much agree on the issues and are just quibbling over details. I think a lot of people wish they had another option." - Mr. K. King, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Neither candidate addressed what really concerns me, which is how to help lonely guys with no friends get out of the apartment and meet people." Jesse Ball (frequent whiner on, Hollywood, California