Hello. My name is Toby Banjo, and I'm a member of Team USA Banjo. Team USA Banjo is a fine organization for a young man to be a part of. I have learned many values and skills from my time with Team USA Banjo.

I tell this to lots of the kids that I meet and they say, "Ha ha. What kind of values and skills can you learn from being a member of Team USA Banjo?" They say this in a tone of voice that suggests that they think the answer must be "not much."

Brother, you can learn a lot from being a member of Team USA Banjo!

Here are some of the skills I have learned from being a member of Team USA Banjo: banjo strumming, banjo picking, putting strings on a banjo, lockpicking, tuning the banjo, safecracking, and open-mouth kissing.

Here are some of the values I have learned from being a member of Team USA Banjo: teamwork, togetherness, not ratting out your pals, trust, and banjo.

Ma Banjo says no man can really ever own anything, but at the same time, without really knowing it, I think Ma Banjo has shown us that every man can sort of own his own destiny.

How's that for "not much?" Kind of a lot, I think!