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Week of 04/15
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Yesterday, Sept. 23, 2001
Incredible Oscar Scoop... WE'VE GOT THE WINNERS!

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2000-07-15 04:53:17
Subject: WOW!!!

Wow, way to go BLOFELD!!! First you guys manage to let me know how great movies will end, now you've taken the suspense out of award shows too! Thank you!!!

2000-07-15 04:53:17
From: Norm
Subject: this can't be right

Um, sorry guys, but Ann Southern isn't even nominated. The most casual fact checking ever would have confirmed this.

2000-07-15 04:53:17
From: Matter-Eater Lad
Subject: Shut up, Norm!

Shut up, Norm! Ever heard of a write-in vote! She deserves it, and Blofeld has never steered us wrong!

2000-07-15 04:53:17
From: Blofeld
Subject: Hairy, you idiot!

Damn it, Hairy! That wasn't a list I got of the real winners! Those were my votes for the It Ain't Cool office betting pool! You've been asking me for them all week, remember? IDIOT!

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