Your wedding will likely be one of the most significant days of your life. This sad fact aside, here are a few tips to make the whole process hum along a bit more smoothly.
Make sure to reserve a block of rooms at the local EconoLodge for wedding guests.
Ballroom at the Plaza already booked? A VFW hall in Northern Michigan is the next best thing.
Your guests will appreciate waiting after the ceremony, as long as you're taking photos of every possible combination people from the wedding party, from every conceivable angle.
A wedding is a show- be sure to hire plenty of midgets and clowns.
All dowry livestock should be kept in a pen outside the receptio hall, until the formal presentation.
Bachelor/bachelorette parties should be held before the ceremony, not the night of.
Have your kitties fitted for their gowns and tuxes well in advance of the big day.
White weddings are nice days to start again.