Supreme Internet High Council of Intelligence orders recount By Chick Ribbons Supreme Reporter December 22, 2000
The Supreme Internet High Council of Intelligence ruled in favor of Cap'n Wacky yesterday, ordering the recounting of votes cast in November's Amalgamated Humor mascot election.
The Council, presided over by Mr. T (the King of the Internet) is made up of Justices Jeeves, Bill Gates, Kraut King, the Pets.com Sock Puppet Dog, Cindy Margolis, and Hairy Knavel. The vote was a close 3 to 1 in with justices T, King, Knavel in favor. Justice Gates voted against the recount. Justices Margolis and Puppet abstained from the voting. Justice Margolis explained her reason for not picking a side as, "I don't get it. Tee hee." "Who gives a damn," said a clearly drunk Justice Puppet. "The whole Internet's going to hell in a handbasket. The party is over, baby. Wake up and smell the backlash." Justice Gates voiced began to voice his concern over ordering a recount, saying, "I think we really need to weigh carefully our decision here. We're setting a dangerous president of -" At this point, Justice T picked up Justice Gates over his head, remarking, "Cut the jibba-jabba, rich boy!" Justice T then threw Justice Gates helluva far. "My van is fast," added T. Amalgamated Humor will immediately begin recounting the votes. In the initial count, Challenger Cap'n Shifty defeated incumbent Cap'n Wacky and third party candidate Kraut King by a margin of 22 to 18 to 14. Results of the recount will be announced December 29. "This ruling is atrocious," said Cap'n Shifty. "Kraut King hopes the recount might help him, while Hairy Knavel has always been in Cap'n Wacky's back pocket. This is a dark day for the Internet." Cap'n Shifty took over mascot duties for Amalgamated Humor and www.capnwacky.com in mid-November. He immediately made sweeping changes to the site. At this point, neither Cap'n Wacky nor Kraut King have announced what they would do should they win the recount. In a separate ruling, The Supreme Internet High Council of Intelligence voted to change its name to The Supreme Internet High Council of Doom. "It sounds much more awesomer," said Justice Gates. "Somebody just put me to sleep," added Justice Puppet. "I'm begging you." |For Council member profiles, Click Here| |