Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII
The Annotated Watchmen was written for several reasons. The
series is packed with detail, more so than almost any other, and much of
that detail is easily missed. Much of the background of the world is not
given straight out, but has to be inferred. There are several ongoing
motifs that are worth spotting. My goal in annotating the series is to
highlight and explain all these points.
The Annotations are intended for the second-time reader,
someone who's read through once, knows the basic plot, but missed a lot of
the detail and wants to find it. If you are reading them along with your
first reading of the series, you may find that it spoils some of the
surprise. Caveat lector.
(I have removed most of the blatant spoilers from
earlier editions.)
A few conventions are worth explaining. The reason I quote
newspaper headlines and signs is that some of them are hard to read,
and I'm trying to save eyestrain on the reader's part. Although some of
the headlines have text larger than the dialogue, I decided to be
consistent and quote them all.
References such as 4:12:2 are to issue:page:panel (so the
example would refer to issue #4, page 12, panel 2).
Dates are used in the American convention of month/day/year,
so 8/9/74 (Nixon's resignation) is August 9, 1974, not September 8.
All comments and feedback are welcome. I have removed
specific acknowledgements with the intention of adding them in one large chunk
to the Appendix at some later date.