Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII
Mayfair Games, former publishers of the DC Heroes role-playing
game, have put out two modules and a sourcebook for the Watchmen universe.
The module Taking Out the Trash by Ray Winninger includes a section co-
written by Moore giving a capsule history of the characters and
world, including information not given in the series. The Watchmen
Sourcebook (not written by Moore) expands on this information considerably.
Because this information is a) partially written by Moore and b)
not in disagreement with anything in the series, it can be considered
partially canonical. Noteworthy information about the characters not given in
the series is summarized here. Wherever there is disagreement, the
module will be held as the higher authority (with the comic as the highest
authority, of course). (Unfortunately, its timeline contains several minor
errors. It lists Mason's year of birth as 1906, when it should be 1916.
Laurie was born in 1949, not 1950 (actually, opinions on this vary). It
also gives Hooded Justice as being born in 1905,
which is theoretically possible
but difficult to believe. Several of the
dates for the events of the series itself are
also wrong.)
CAPTAIN METROPOLIS: As a child, CM was asthmatic, but built himself
up and played football in college. He was unhappy with the way that many of
the Minutemen were more concerned with the social potential of the team
than crimefighting. When WWII was on he was brought back into the USMC.
COMEDIAN: He definitely murdered Hooded Justice, and was able to use
his government connections to prevent any investigation into the
disappearance. He also killed Woodward and
Bernstein, and was involved in Kennedy's
HOODED JUSTICE: Rolf Muller was indeed a name he used, but it was
only an alias and his true identity was never discovered. He was not a
communist, however, but
an anti-Communist, as confirmed by his KKK connections.
He was the last person to agree to join the Minutemen. He spoke
publicly in favor of Hitler in an interview in 1940.
MOTHMAN: Byron was a bored playboy who fought crime to add spice to
his life. He was a conscientious objector during WWII and served as a
medical aide.
SILHOUETTE: Ursula was an Austrian aristocrat who fled to avoid the
Nazis. As a Jew she was greatly bothered by Hooded Justice's pro-Hitler
stance, but Larry managed to sweep the incident under the rug. The villain
who killed her and her lover was named the Liquidator.
SILK SPECTRE I: Sally Jupiter was a teen-aged runaway.
A NOTE ON THE ORIGINS OF THE CHARACTERS: Many of the super-heroes in
this series are based on the original versions of characters published by
Charlton Comics and acquired by DC. They are:
The series was originally intended to be about the Charlton
characters, but DC nixed the idea, probably because of
the Captain Atom and Blue Beetle
series that began about the same time. Moore re-worked the
characters slightly into the current versions.
Watchmen is a trademark of DC Comics Inc., © 1999.
These annotations © 1995 by Doug Atkinson. They may be freely
copied and distributed, provided the text is not altered.